Radiation is classified as ionizing and non-ionizing. Ionizing radiation consists of swift atomic, and subatomic particles and photons having the energy enough to produce significant ionization of a substance.
Ionizing radiation is divided into corpuscular (particle flow) and electromagnetic (photon) ionizing radiation.
Alpha radiation is a flow of He nuclei that results from the alpha decay of the element's nuclei. Alpha radiation has high ionizing but low penetrating power. The human body can be protected from external alpha-particle flow by outerwear, rubber gloves, flu masks, and even paper sheets. However, if alpha-particle sources penetrate a human body with air, water, or food, it is very dangerous.
Beta radiation is a flow of electrons or positrons, which results from beta nuclei decay. Beta radiation has lower ionizing but higher penetrating power than alpha. Any shelter may serve as protection here. Beta particles can easily penetrate human skin and cause tissue damage and burns.
X-rays and Gamma radiation electromagnetic radiation, come together with nuclear transformations. Gamma rays are photons that come from the nucleus of the atom. Both types of ionizing radiation can pass through the human body if they have enough energy. It appears extremely difficult to protect oneself from both X-rays and gamma-rays. Gamma rays intensity may be reduced two times with steel (2,8 сm thick), concrete (10 сm), soil (14 сm), and wood (30 сm).
Neutron radiation denotes a flow of neutrons, i.e. heavy particles forming a constituent part of a nucleus. To protect oneself from this type of radiation one may use protective shelter, radiation protective covers, specially equipped basement or cellar. All kinds of barriers from polymers, polyethylene, and even water appear efficient to protect a person from harmful radiation influence.