#PolimasterInc20: Two Decades, Twenty Milestones - Part 4

Twenty Milestones PolimasterInc20

In 2024, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Polimaster, Inc. and look back with pride at the pioneering spirit and innovative breakthroughs that have characterized our journey. Join us as we continue to explore and celebrate the milestones that have shaped our path.

Part 4. Industry Innovators

In 2008, Polimaster's dedication to pioneering new technologies was strengthened by the registration of three crucial patents by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). These patents not only underscored the company's commitment to advancing the field of radiation detection but also marked significant milestones in its ongoing efforts to enhance safety and security globally. Each patent represented a substantial leap forward in developing cutting-edge solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges of radiation monitoring and protection.

A wristwatch with a radiation detector

US Patent US-7351985-B2 describes a "Portable watch with radiation monitor", featuring a wristwatch equipped with a radiation sensor. The sensor detects gamma rays in the wearer's surroundings. The watch displays radiation levels on a screen or through indicator lights, alerting the wearer to potential hazards. This innovative device provides individuals with a convenient way to monitor radiation exposure in real-time, enhancing safety awareness in environments where radiation may pose a risk. It combines the functionality of a timepiece with radiation monitoring capabilities, promoting personal safety and well-being.

This invention was successfully implemented into Polimaster's PM1204 and PM1208 series of watch-dosimeters. These products have proven to be highly popular and successful, combining the functionality of a timepiece with critical radiation monitoring capabilities, thus promoting personal safety and well-being. Notably, Polimaster was the first company in the world to mass-produce watch-dosimeters, pioneering a new standard in wearable safety technology.


A personal radiation detector with networking capabilities

US Patent US-7465925-B2 grants intellectual property rights for a "Personal radiation detector and method of operation of same". It details a portable device equipped with sensors to monitor radiation levels in the wearer's surroundings continuously. If radiation surpasses safety levels, the detector alerts the wearer through various signals like sound or vibration. With a user-friendly interface and data logging capabilities, the device provides real-time feedback and historical exposure data. This innovation offers individuals a practical means to monitor their radiation exposure, enhancing safety awareness in environments where radiation hazards may exist, such as nuclear facilities or medical settings.

This invention was implemented into Polimaster's PM1901 Portable Spectrometric Pager, one of the first of its kind to incorporate networking capabilities through a USB interface. This innovative feature enabled users to easily download data without lengthy processing times and provided a detailed visual representation of radiation data, significantly enhancing the management and monitoring of environmental safety. This pioneering feature in the PM1901 design marked the beginning of Polimaster's journey into creating some of the first real-time dosimeters, including the innovative RadFlash®.


A scalable radiation monitoring network

US Patent US-7429736-B2 outlines a "System and device for object detection and identification using gamma, X-ray and/or neutron radiation." The patent introduces a device capable of detecting harmful radiation sources, such as radioactive materials or nuclear threats, in the surrounding environment. The system employs multiple sensors and algorithms to identify and assess the threat level. Upon detection, it triggers protective measures, such as activating alarms or initiating emergency responses. This patent enhances the system's ability to provide real-time detection and protection against radiation hazards, improving safety and security in various settings, including public areas, transportation hubs, and critical infrastructure facilities.

This invention laid the foundation for the development of the Nuclear Protection Network (NPNET®) system, a revolutionary system that transformed radiation detection and safety with its scalable network, allowing for monitoring from localized areas to large regions. This comprehensive system not only provided real-time detection and expert-level decision support without the need for advanced training but also enhanced safety protocols through encrypted access, real-time alerts, and detailed radiation mapping.

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As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Polimaster, Inc. in 2024, we reflect on a journey marked by pioneering innovations and strong partnerships. We look forward to continuing our commitment to excellence and advancing radiation detection technology. We thank all our partners and customers for playing a significant role in Polimaster’s story. Here is to future innovations and many more years of success! 

Stay tuned for weekly updates if you are curious to learn what happens next in our exciting journey.

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