Advancing Radiation Incident Investigation in Slovakia

Providing equipment is just the start. Comprehensive solutions are what empower our clients to tackle complex challenges with confidence.

Police Corps, Slovakia
PM1401K-3 in use
  1. Challenge

    Slovakian Police required a versatile radiometric instrument to address and investigate radiation incidents effectively.
  2. Solution

    The PM1401K-3P was selected for its multifunctional capabilities, enabling officers to locate radiation sources, secure safety zones, and perform initial radionuclide identification crucial for forensic analysis.
  3. Training

    Expert training was conducted by the Huma-Lab Apeko s.r.o team, equipping the police force with the knowledge to utilize the instrument to its full potential.
  4. Outcome

    The Slovak Police have enhanced their nuclear forensic capacities and ensured the radiation safety of their personnel.


PM1401K-3P search

PM1401K-3P Multipurpose Hand-Held Radiation Monitor/Identifier

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Gamma-neutron model suitable for various radiation control tasks.