Ensuring Top-Level Security at International Events in Peru

Being prepared isn't just a necessity; it's the only option when facing CBRNe threats. Polimaster's technology and training empower us to act swiftly and surely.

National Police CBRNe Unit, Peru
1703 in use
  1. Challenge

    At high-profile international events with global dignitaries, there's no margin for error. The CBRNe unit needed reliable tools to detect and manage chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive materials.
  2. Solution

    Polimaster equipped the unit with PM1703GNA-IIBT Personal Radiation Detectors. These devices are crucial for discovering radiation sources, maintaining maximum security, and establishing safety perimeters when threats are detected.
  3. Training

    Comprehensive training was provided by our dealer, ensuring the unit's proficiency in using the PRDs effectively.
  4. Outcome

    The CBRNe unit now has enhanced capability to inspect, prevent, and respond to radiological threats, ensuring the safety of event attendees and the general public.



PM1703GNA-II/BT Personal Radiation Detector

Popular On order

Gamma-neutron Personal Radiation Detector.

Learn more

Polimaster at NCT América del Sur 2023

From January 31 to February 2, our team was at NCT América del Sur in Lima, Peru.