In CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and explosive) accidents, radiation monitoring is crucial for the safety of emergency response teams. These devices provide vital data that help responders navigate dangerous environments safely and effectively, ensuring their safety while they protect and aid the public.


Polimaster’s versatile hand-held radiation monitors are designed for CBRNe response teams facing various radiation exposure scenarios, including post-accident contamination and illicit radiation detection. These devices support critical radiation control tasks, helping to manage accidental and intentional radiation hazards effectively and safely. The equipment is built to detect and assess a wide range of radioactive elements swiftly, making it indispensable for emergency response teams working in environments where rapid identification and response to radiation threats are required.



PM1703MO-II BT Personal Radiation Detector/Dosimeter

Gamma-only Personal Radiation Detector/Dosimeter.

PM1401K-3P search

PM1401K-3P Multipurpose Hand-Held Radiation Monitor/Identifier

Gamma-neutron model suitable for various radiation control tasks.


PM1703GNA-II MBT Personal Radiation Detector/Dosimeter

Gamma-neutron Personal Radiation Detector/Dosimeter.

PM1605BT -1

PM1605BT Personal Radiation Monitor/Dosimeter

Ambient dosimeter for use in extreme environments.

PoliGate™ Deployable RPM

PoliGate™ Deployable RPM

Gamma-only model transported in plastic protective cases and designed for fast deployment.

PoliGate Mobile MDS (2)

PoliGate™ Mobile MDS

Vehicle-based radiation portal monitors for detection on the go.

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Polimaster at NCT PRO Challenge Europe in Croatia

The Polimaster Europe team takes part in the NCT PRO Challenge Europe in Croatia.