Customs & Border

At customs and border points, radiation monitoring equipment plays a vital role in national security by detecting and preventing the smuggling of radioactive materials. Accurate and efficient radiation detection helps safeguard borders and prevents potentially hazardous materials from entering the country, ensuring public safety.


Polimaster equips customs and border protection agencies with sophisticated radiation detection technology designed to intercept and manage the threat of nuclear and radioactive materials. These comprehensive solutions enhance security operations at border checkpoints where the risk of illicit radioactive substances is significant. The technology ensures personnel safety and efficient management of radiation hazards, supporting all necessary radiation control tasks to prevent unauthorized radioactive material traffic, thus maintaining national security and public safety at entry and exit points.


PM1610 X-Ray and Gamma Radiation Personal Dosimeter - 1

PM1610 X-Ray and Gamma Radiation Personal Dosimeter

X-ray (continuous/pulsed) and gamma radiation personal dosimeter.

poligate vehicle g4n4

PoliGate™ Vehicle G4N4 RPM

Double-sided gamma-neutron model equipped with four gamma and four neutron detectors.

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National Radioactive Waste Management Company of Moldova

"Access to the right equipment and training can transform safety protocols. With Polimaster's support, we're setting a new standard for radioactive source transportation."