PoliGate™ Deployable RPM
Gamma-only model transported in plastic protective cases and designed for fast deployment.
PoliGate™ Light G1 RPM
Lightweight one-sided model equipped with one gamma detector.
PoliGate™ Light G2 RPM
Lightweight double-sided model equipped with two gamma detectors.
PoliGate™ Light G4 RPM
Lightweight double-sided model equipped with four gamma detectors.
PoliGate™ Vehicle G2 RPM
Double-sided gamma model equipped with two gamma detectors.
PoliGate™ Vehicle G4 RPM
Double-sided gamma model equipped with four gamma detectors.
PoliGate™ Vehicle G4N4 RPM
Double-sided gamma-neutron model equipped with four gamma and four neutron detectors.
PoliGate™ Pedestrian G1 RPM
One-sided gamma model equipped with one (11L) gamma detector.
PoliGate™ Pedestrian G2 RPM
Double-sided gamma model equipped with two (11L each) gamma detectors.
PoliGate™ Pedestrian GN1 RPM
One-sided gamma-neutron model equipped with one gamma (6.6L) and one neutron detector.
PoliGate™ Pedestrian GN2 RPM
Double-sided gamma-neutron model equipped with two gamma (6.6L each) and two neutron detectors.